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Advantage For Veterans

At Peritia Advisors, our mission is to provide you with insurance that keeps you healthy and happy, no matter what your situation. Get in touch with us with any Medicare questions you may have.

Advantage Plans and VA Benefits

Several Medicare Advantage plans have been designed to coordinate with your VA benefits. At Peritia Advisors, we understand your need for quality coverage as a veteran of the armed forces. Let us help you find the plan which suits your needs.

Medicare does not pay for any services you receive at a VA facility, so your coverage will only apply at Medicare-certified facilities. Likewise, your VA benefits only apply at VA facilities and VA benefits do not help cover the out-of-pocket costs of Medicare, which include copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. The right Medicare Advantage plan will give you the hospital and medical coverage you need with a network of providers and the prescription drug, dental, vision, or hearing care you deserve.

Many people sign up for Part A because it is premium-free but choose to decline the Part B coverage because of the monthly premiums. To expand your coverage beyond VA hospitals and ensure you have access to care regardless of your location, you should consider adding Part B and enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan.

Medicare Advantage plans offer you the same coverage as under Original Medicare, with added benefits. These benefits can include prescription drug coverage, vision care, dental care, hearing care, and more. Depending on your benefits, you may need more or less coverage. If you have VA benefits, you should opt for a plan with prescription drug coverage for assistance with costs at the pharmacy. TRICARE For Life members can keep their member prescription drug coverage and select a Medicare Advantage without prescription drug benefits.

Medicare Advantage plans contract networks of healthcare providers who agree to accept low payments for covered services. Using these providers is crucial to cost savings with these plans.

Why Add a Medicare Advantage Plan?

You may feel comfortable with your current benefits. Veterans have fairly comprehensive healthcare coverage but this unfortunately only applies to services received at VA facilities. You can add a Medicare Advantage plan with premiums as low as $0 per month. This will be in addition to your Part B premium that you pay to Medicare. The benefits of a Medicare Advantage plan suited to complement your existing coverage can make this investment worthwhile.

Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Coverage

Some Medicare Advantage plans designed for veterans do not include prescription drug coverage, in which case you should keep your TRICARE For Life member prescription drug coverage.

People with VA benefits should consider a Medicare Advantage plan with prescription drug coverage. When you signed up for Medicare, you probably enrolled in a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan. You can drop this plan when you sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan. Look at the plan’s formulary (list of covered drugs) to make sure your prescriptions will be covered under the new plan.

Alternatively, you can use your VA drug coverage alone instead of seeking a Medicare plan with drug coverage. VA benefits work only at VA pharmacies and Medicare Part D works at pharmacies within the plan’s network.

We know what it means to serve. Now we use our industry knowledge to find you the coverage you deserve and optimize your benefits. Contact us today.