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Medicare Advantage D-SNPs

At Peritia Advisors, our mission is to provide you with insurance that keeps you healthy and happy, no matter what your situation. Get in touch with us with any Medicare questions you may have.

Medicare is a broad category of health insurance that provides coverage for so many different people within the United States. While largely intended to provide coverage for those in retirement, it’s also possible to qualify based on disability status. Doing so means that you can pass up the age requirement and enroll before 65. If you’re someone that qualifies through this way, enrolling in Medicare is an excellent way to save yourself money and have access to quality medical care.

Understanding Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage offers its beneficiaries to pick and choose the coverage that they want to be added to their policy. However, this type of plan will always include Original Medicare coverage as a minimum. This ensures that every Medicare beneficiary has access to medical care and doesn’t have to pay the entirety of those costs out-of-pocket.

Medicare Advantage is an umbrella term and there are multiple different types of policies within it. Most people have heard of HMOs and PPOs, which are included in Medicare Advantage. Another type of policy that exists within Medicare Advantage is Special Needs Plans.

What are SNPs?

SNPs, or Special Needs Plans, are a type of policy that exists to provide people with certain disabilities medical coverage. There are certain conditions that qualify people for SNPs, as their coverage is specifically designed to meet the medical needs of that group of people. This means that people have access to the treatments and professionals that they need to see.

SNPs also typically include drug coverage.


Within Special Needs Plans are certain more specific policies. One of them is a D-SNP, or Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan. This type of policy is intended for those that qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid. Taking advantage of these health insurance options is an excellent way to make sure that you’re saving money on medical care and not spending where it’s not necessary.

Is a D-SNP Right for You?

Dual enrollment is one of the best ways to use all of your resources to their full extent. They allow beneficiaries to have health insurance coverage from two different sources, which expands their policy options and allows them to pay even less when they do need medical care.

If you think that you may qualify for a D-SNP, let us know. We’re here to guide you through the process and help you determine if this is the right insurance option for you. We look forward to speaking with you and being able to answer your questions!