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Medicare Advantage I-SNPs

At Peritia Advisors, our mission is to provide you with insurance that keeps you healthy and happy, no matter what your situation. Get in touch with us with any Medicare questions you may have.

I-SNPs, or Institutional Special Needs Plans, are for those that need a higher level of care than would otherwise be covered. Medicare is very specific about the institutions that are covered within this type of policy. If you’re someone that is finding they need an increased level of care and would benefit from more support, then this type of SNP might be the right option for you.

About Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage includes many different types of policies. SNPs, or Special Needs Plans, are one of those policy types. In reality, they’re a general category of specific plans that are intended for individuals with a certain diagnosis. Because they’re so specific, they can provide individualized coverage that’s intended specifically for that condition that the individual has. This is one of the best ways to save money and make sure that you have the right care for your specific medical needs.

Picking the Right Policy for Your Needs

Medicare can be complicated. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of your options, know that there are ways to make sure you select the right policy. If you find that you’re not satisfied with your choice, there are certain periods during which you can change your coverage. If you’re interested in learning more about these periods and how to make changes to your plan, let us know and we can discuss these things.

One of the most helpful things that beneficiaries can do is research. Finding helpful resources and tools for Medicare will help you feel comfortable through the decision making process. By getting in contact with an insurance agent, such as those with Peritia Advisors, can help provide you with these resources and compare all your policy options for you. Doing this will give you the information you need and help you feel sure of your final decision!

Make an Appointment Today!

Thinking about SNPs can be challenging. There’s so much information to read through and it can be hard to make sense of it all. We’re here to help you through the process and make sure that you have the resources you need.