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Medicare Under 65

At Peritia Advisors, our mission is to provide you with insurance that keeps you healthy and happy, no matter what your situation. Get in touch with us with any Medicare questions you may have.

Many individuals will not be able to sign up for Medicare until they turn 65. After all, Medicare is targeted toward seniors, and the nature of its benefits reflect this. However, Medicare allows for individuals under 65 to enroll if they meet certain criteria. There’s a lot you can do with this, as Medicare gives every policyholder choices that allow for one to pick the perfect policy.

Who Gets Medicare Under 65?

Enrollment under 65 is tied to how long you have been receiving disability benefits from Social Security. Instead of living 65 years, you just need to receive disability benefits for 24 months in a row.

Another way to qualify for enrollment under 65 is by getting Social Security benefits after being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gherig’s Disease. If you are diagnosed with ALS, you can get Medicare the very month your Social Security benefits begin.

What Can Individuals Under 65 Expect From Their Medicare Coverage?

If you qualify for this, you are automatically enrolled in Original Medicare. Original Medicare consists of Medicare Part A and Part B.

Medicare Part A covers your inpatient services. This also includes your room and board and the meals served to you during your inpatient stay. This mainly applies to hospitals, but Part A coverage also works in other facilities such as skilled nursing facilities and psychiatric hospitals.

Medicare Part B covers outpatient services. These are the medical treatments you get when you are not formally admitted into an inpatient facility. This includes labs, screenings, x-rays, flu shots, durable medical equipment, and ambulance services.

Original Medicare is the traditional form, and it’s also useful because it allows you to get other types of Medicare-related coverage, such as Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplements.

What Other Forms Of Medicare Can Someone Under 65 Qualify For?

You also have the freedom to choose between multiple Medicare Advantage plans. These combine inpatient, outpatient, and in some cases, prescription coverage. The result is a comprehensive policy that gives you everything you need under one plan.

If you qualify for Medicare under 65, it may also be likely that you are eligible for a Medicare Special Needs Plan. This is for those who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid (D-SNP), require institutional care (I-SNP), or have chronic and disabling conditions (C-SNP).

The benefits to an SNP include significant discounts on treatments aimed at treating your condition. You’ll get focused, coordinated care from a physician of your choice and you’ll have guaranteed prescription drug coverage.

Get The Plan You Deserve

At Peritia Advisors, we will find you the very best policy that works for you. Our services aren’t limited to senior citizens. If you are under 65 but qualify for Medicare, we’re at your service, too. With us, we’ll find you optimal coverage, giving you everything you need without the burden of high prices.