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Most Popular Medigap Plans

At Peritia Advisors, our mission is to provide you with insurance that keeps you healthy and happy, no matter what your situation. Get in touch with us with any Medicare questions you may have.

Medigap is supplemental insurance offered for those enrolled in Original Medicare. The main purpose of Medigap is to ensure that beneficiaries have access to the care that they need without having to pay for all of the costs out-of-pocket. Medigap covers some of the costs that beneficiaries need to pay through their Medicare policy, ensuring that beneficiaries don’t have to cover the entirety of their costs on their own. 

Making sure that beneficiaries have access to the care they need is the mission of Medicare and Medigap helps make this a reality through lowering medical bills. Those that are considering the different Medigap policies should take a look at comparisons and think about their own individual situation. It can be confusing to look at different insurance options, so make sure you take the time to research and find out the details about each policy.

Many people that are researching Medigap are curious about the most popular plans. The most popular plans, Plans F and G, have a high-deductible option in some states. Let’s discuss what this means and if one of these policies is the right Medigap choice for you.

Plans F and G

The high-deductible option is one of the most noteworthy things to mention when discussing these two plans. These policies function the same as many other typical health insurance options do; beneficiaries will be expected to pay out-of-pocket entirely until they’ve met their deductible. Once their deductible has been reached, then their policy coverage will begin. Keep in mind that just because you’ve reached your deductible doesn’t mean that you won’t have to cover any other costs.

For some, choosing a high deductible policy may not seem like the best option. For others, this is an excellent way to ensure that your health costs are low. Those that aren’t anticipating using their health insurance may choose this option as a way to keep their costs down, while still having insurance in the case that they need it. The high deductible option isn’t available everywhere, so reach out to a local insurance agent to see if it’s a choice where you live.

Both of these plans cover 80% of foreign travel exchange, so they’re excellent options for individuals that are planning on traveling out of the county. Foreign travel exchange is the only area of coverage that has a percentage within these two policy options. All the other areas of coverage are either offered in their entirety or not at all.

Choosing Between the Two Most Popular Plans

Medigap Plans F and G are very similar. In fact, there’s just one area of coverage in which they differ. If having the Medicare Part B deductible covered is important to you, then consider Plan F instead of Plan G.

Insurance decisions don’t have to be overwhelming, especially when you’re working with an insurance agency. Insurance agents are here to make this process simple for you and can provide assistance throughout the enrollment process. 

Wondering which policy choice is right for you? Give us a call today and make an appointment so we can talk about your Medigap options.

While Medicare Supplements relieve a significant financial burden, there are some factors to keep in mind when purchasing a policy.

You cannot simultaneously have a Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plan. Medicare Supplements only work with Original Medicare.

This is not something you can purchase by itself. It is not a standalone insurance policy.